"Let the little children come..."

Kid's Christian Resources: 

(Faith Baptist Church may not agree with all expressions or views expressed in linked pages)


Kids Quest



Go to Dinosaurs

Paws & Tales


A fun time for kids of all ages.

Craft Ideas and Coloring Pages

Royal Ambassadors 
Royal Ambassadors (RAs) is a Bible-centered, church-based, Southern Baptist mission education organization for boys in grades 1-6.

gapassport.com is your interactive guide to involve girls in the mission of God. This site features information for leaders, parents, and children about children's missions education from WMU

God's Great Plan 
Plan of Salvation for kids

The Grace Place 
A great place for kids, Noah's Ark, etc.

Christian Children's Page 
A page centered on God's Word, his Creation and Family Values.

Money Matters for Kids 
Lessons on stewardship for kids..

Christian Family Entertainment 
Movie Reviews, radio, TV, brought to you by the Christian Answers Network.

House of the Rock Family Ministries 
Helping people build solid families "on the Rock" today, so they may survive the storms of tomorrow!

Kid's Quest Rainforest Adventure 
Picture packed activities and stories

Miserly Moms 
Resource for "stay at home" moms

Marriage & Family 
A great bible study out of Genesis by Steve & Terri White, it is very applicable to all married couples.

Crown Financial Ministries 
A Christian Financial Ministry of Larry Burkett, very helpful and informative!

The Parent Factor 
Al Denson’s newest show helps youth and parents see “eye-to-eye” on issues America’s youth are facing everyday.

Dawson McAllister Live 
Straight talk to parents and teens on today's issues......sex, internet, rebellion, etc.  Talk to Dawson Live!