History of Faith Baptist Church
5, 1998
Faith Baptist
Church was organized as a Southern Baptist Church in 1988. The Vision of this
church and it's members was to be, "not just another Baptist Church, but
a different Baptist Church." Let us explain.
In 1988, most of our charter members were longtime active members of West End Baptist Church in West Point, MS. In that year, a fire broke out before a Thanksgiving Banquet and destroyed the church. Rev. Jimmy Carr was pastor. We had insurance to cover the loss of the building (about $400-450,000) but the loss was devastating to many. Where would we meet and worship?
Oak Hill Academy of West Point, MS. was very gracious and allowed West End Baptist to use their facilities until a new church could be built. A very important question came up as we began to consider rebuilding. Where do we rebuild?? There were two main opinions:
2) Rebuild on a "new" site
For some,
there was no question, the church was to be rebuilt on the existing site. This decision went beyond just constructing a building, it
tied in with many of the members family heritage or roots. Generations of
families had grown up, been baptized, married and
died at West End. Many
families had close emotional ties to the church and the surrounding community.
There was community pride in living on "the other side of the
tracks". Once a thriving little community with
many homes and families, the area had become more and more industrialized.
Families had moved to other areas of the city and West End Baptist had ceased to
grow. Yes, many events that happened in that old church, but there
were also many events that had ceased to happen.
Baptisms and people coming to Jesus as their personal Savior had become rare occurrences. West End had ceased growing. Industry was moving closer and closer. The Church and it's members appeared to be going through routine; being religious, week after week after week. It appeared we were in decline but in fact.........just existing. There were few people being born again and baptized. In reality it was not just West End, but ALL the Southern Baptist Churches in Clay Co. That year only 28 people were baptized in ALL of Clay County. Were the churches in our area fulfilling the "Great Commission" given to us by our Lord? NO!
Other members saw the “church burning” as a gift of God. It was not a tragedy but a blessing from God. We were given a "Blank Check of Opportunity" as some would call it. It was an opportunity to step out on Faith, a time of change, a time to get back to "True Worship", not routine. God was going to replace an aged, inefficient structure with a new, modern Worship Center at little or no cost. But would rebuilding the church on the existing site achieve what HE desired most; that lives would be changed by Faith in Jesus Christ in Clay Co.? Would a church built on the existing site fulfill God's purpose (telling and proclaiming that through Faith in JESUS the World might be saved)???? Instead of rebuilding a "new facility" and going back to our "stale, dead, religious routine", we wanted to investigate the possibilities..........possible alternative locations where the Church would be in the public/community eye. Where God could be God and touch/change peoples’ lives! God was giving West End Baptist another chance, an opportunity to step out on faith (like Abraham and Moses), to be righteous instead of religious, and living instead of dead. With such differences of opinion, a church vote was recommended. The vote was taken, West End Baptist would be rebuilt on the existing site. We were disappointed that a review/analysis of ANY other possible building sites would not be considered. So there was a decision within our fellowship that GOD had given us a VISION to do HIS work in Clay County. Other Southern Baptist Churches were not doing it. We would have to step out on Faith, as Abraham, as Moses, we would have to leave the fellowship of West End Baptist and begin a "new work".
based on a
call, a vision from God to NOT be another Baptist Church, but be different!! Set apart for serving God! Some may misunderstood our decision as
being "sour grapes" regarding the vote on alternate building sites, as
trying to be "uppity" (better than others), but it was not.
It was strictly based on "a Vision", on doing God's work.
So we left those we loved to begin the new work.
blessed our congregation by providing
"manna" to pay the bills, to support our pastor and do God's work.
We met to decide a name for the new work, the new church. It's
name was suggested by Allen Wood and approved by vote:
Faith Baptist Church
So with the
land and home provided by God, we would need a place to worship. God provided
again and again. God allowed us to
find 3-double wide trailers at the Assembly of God Church in Columbus that had
been used in their building program. We purchased them for about $9,000 dollars.
They were set up behind the existing church.
We requested a mobile chapel from the Mississippi Mission Board, which
was funded by the "Margaret Lackey State Mission Fund".
It was provided and set up. We
lacked a piano. Mrs. K. Dill was led to buy a new one. We lacked pews and hymn books, they were donated by a West
Jackson Baptist Church in Jackson, MS. God continued to provide again and again.
A Building
Committee was elected with Police Chief Bill Ladd elected as chairman. The committee visited other building sites, talked with
contractors, architects, obtained costs, and eventually brought a blueprint to
the church. The design was for a
church that would seat 300-350 people. But
we only had about 100 members!! Would
it not be better to build a small church, the size of our membership?
No, this decision, like others was based on Faith that God would provide,
and the Vision that Clay County would be reached with the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. This church would be
filled!! Yes, this like other decisions, was made by Faith!
blueprint in hand, a loan had to be secured for the construction of the new
church. Interest rates and legal
aspects of construction were investigated under the leadership of our Chairman
of the Deacons, Clyde Woodson. Darellene
McNeel worked with
others to investigate the possibilities.
Trustees were nominated and voted by the Church for approval.
They were designated to sign the church loan.
A loan was finally obtained through Perry Green at the People's Bank and
construction began. Dolphus Young
helped oversee the construction phase by Henson Construction Co.
Marcelle Ingram, Odean Middleton, and Gloria Sims were part of the
building committee and helped select colors, carpets, and fabrics. Rock Redmond helped selection of the pews and
Keith Middleton helped with the electrical wiring.
Finally, the construction phase was complete.
Afterwards, a dedication service was held for the church. We were dedicated as a Southern Baptist Church and a member of the Clay Co. Baptist Association by Rev. Mitchell and Rev. Jimmy Carr.
As you can see, God has been at work!!! God has given his people a vision, a vision you may now share, a vision of which you can be a part. Is he working in your life? We encourage you to be active, energized, committed in your daily walk with Jesus Christ. We also encourage you to be active, energized, and committed in your service to Jesus through a local Bible-Believing Church. If you are led by the Holy Spirit and live in the Clay County, Mississippi area, we would like you to consider joining us in this Vision. According to the Bible, God has given you spiritual gifts and talents to be used in his service. If you don't know what gifts you possess, ask your pastor. He will help you. But most of all, find them-----Use them in God's service! The walk of Faith is often a very bumpy road; fun, fellowship, enjoyment, but sometimes it can be disappointment, sorrow, and discouragement. Walk by Faith, not by appearances or circumstances! May we Minister to you, you minister us!! May we continually Love one another and strive to be in "one accord". We thank God for the opportunity to share with you "HIS VISION".