We appreciate your interest in the Ministry of Faith Baptist Church of West Point, MS. This ministry is not about us but JESUS, our Lord and Savior. As always, you should consider supporting Faith Baptist Church only after financial obligations to your local church are fulfilled. Thank you, and God bless you! All Donations to the Ministry of Faith Baptist Church are appreciated and should be sent to:
Faith Baptist Church
East Church Hill Road
P.O. Box 1478
West Point, Mississippi
Make Checks payable to:
"Faith Baptist Church"
ALL Donations are Tax Deductable
Thank you for your participation in the Ministry of Faith Baptist Church. May God use Faith Baptist Church to be a "lighthouse" in a dark and hopeless world. Jesus died for ALL mankind, may we share the Gospel message with others where they may have the opportunity to be "Born Again" and receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.