About Our Pastor

Bro Ben Yarber is the
pastor of Faith Baptist Church. His wife is the former Gwen
Canoy of Magee and they have two children .
Bro Ben has held pastorates in
Mississippi (Artesia, Columbus, Mathiston, and Sturgis) before being
called to Faith Baptist. He has served on various committees
in the Golden Triangle Baptist Association.... including several
years as director of Seminary Extension. He received his
degree in Pastorial Ministries from Southwestern Baptist Seminary
through Seminary Extension. In 1988, he was chosen Small Church
Pastor of the Year of the Southern Baptist Convention.
We welcome the Yarber Family to the
fellowship of Faith Baptist Church.
Our Church
Faith Baptist has always had a strong emphasis on the
family. We feel that the children are as much a part
of the church as anyone else.
A visitor to our services is always welcomed warmly.
You'll find the people at Faith very warm and friendly.
The family atmosphere may remind you of your church
"back home".
You won't find a highly polished performance, but you
will find a group of believers who love the Lord and love
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